The aim of HARMONY is to suggest a set of monitoring and control measures between Italy and Malta, two cross-border countries. The project will provide interventions to jointly recognize (i) the integrity of marine seafloor and the inhabiting species and ii) the effects of habitat fragmentation in facilitating the diffusion of Non-Indigenous Species (NIS). By integrating these two aspects, HARMONY will reach a better understanding of marine ecosystem functioning in a cross-border context.
In order to meet the set of mandatory descriptors and indicators suggested by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Descriptor 2 “Non-indigenous Species” and Descriptor 6 “Sea-floor integrity”), an integrated interventions and measures of monitoring will be developed, with the aim to suggest management plans of Natura 2000 sites and habitats. This is requested to avoid future conflicts, reduce the risk of ecosystem loss and prevent the impoverishment of goods and services.